Friday, May 14, 2010

Admission (1)

Admission: I have a bad habit of starting a bunch of projects, getting distracted by a new one and never finishing the old ones. I'm losing momentum here! I'm starting to think of new ideas to play with. Argh!
WIP #1

50323 / 80000 words. 63% done!

WIP #2

2867 / 6000 words. 48% done!
From 05/13

48854 / 80000 words. 61% done!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

From 05/11/10

47295 / 80000 words. 59% done!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Progress Update (16)

This is from May 6.

46773 / 80000 words. 58% done!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Progress Update (15)

46184 / 80000 words. 58% done!

I actually spent all of my writing time today getting my homework for the week done. We're going on vacation tomorrow and I didn't want to have to worry about it. Unfortunately/fortunately, the Page A Day challenge stabbed my conscience with the special writing knife and made me hop on and contribute to WIP #1.

Although I had a bit of a hard time focusing in the beginning, it got a little better by the time my brain cried for sleep and my fingers started to stick.  I made a little bit of headway into answering some of the questions I wanted to work on.

You know what I'm horrible about?  Writing down notes.  I'll think of an aspect of the story that would be fun to follow up with in a later book and then I don't write it down anywhere.  I just get lazy.  That must change!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

WIP #2

2787 / 6000 words. 46% done!

44317 / 80000 words. 55% done!

Inch by Inch Challenge

I have been inspired!  A tiny inch worm crawling along gave me what many of the world's wonders have failed to.  You see, this little worm doesn't go very far in its life.  It may visit a decent portion of a forest, or perhaps even make it from one end of my town to the other.  Despite the fact that he will never be able to travel across the continent or visit the volcanoes of Hawaii, he keeps going, inch by slow inch.

In our writing, any change is progress.  As we see from many challenges out there, be they the 50k in 50 Days challenge or the Page a Day challenge, there are different levels of progress and each is completely acceptable.  Heck, if all you manage to do is add one word to your WIP, that's progress.

What is the Inch by Inch Challenge?
A place for us to get together and share our progress, be it one word or more.  The point of this is to hold each other accountable for making some sort of progress and not simply giving up all together - something that I struggle with constantly.

How will it work?
I will post a challenge update every weekend on Tuesday (Why not?  Tuesday needs more appreciation) and my hope is that everyone involved will post the progress they have made in their WIP.

I want to participate!
I knew you would.  Sign the Mr. Linky below so that we get a good list of everyone involved.  We'll need to stop by each other's blogs and cheer each other on.  After you've signed up, be sure to leave a comment with your current word count.

Finally, enjoy!

Page a Day Challenge

Swimmer over at Books, Writing, and More, Oh My! has started a Page a Day writing challenge.  As we wait for Sarah's 50k in 50 Days challenge to start back up, this should provide with a bit of motivation to keep the momentum going.

I personally have a hard time always finding time to get on the computer.  Okay, strike that.  I live on the computer.  Rather, I have a hard time finding time everyday to write.  I make up for it by trying to put out a higher word count on the days that I do get to write, although when that happens I don't feel that my writing is always of the best quality.  I'm hoping this challenge will encourage me to put something up everyday.

Want to participate?  Head on over and sign up!

Along with my progress update for each day (which will probably come in the form of a single word count meter), I will also post what motivated me or what sucked away my motivation.

I notice that what tends to happen is I either come to my computer with motivation and start typing like mad.  If I don't immediately come with motivation, it's difficult for me to find.  Today, I came with motivation.

Motivation assistance: La Bouche and Mountain Dew.  Always a winning combination for me.  Also, the cracking of my cold knuckles and the sound of fingers typing across the keyboard.  Clumsy typing that makes me have to hit the backspace key a bunch of times slows me down and pulls the momentum right out of me.  Today, however, I have found my sweet spot on the keyboard and have already hit a little over a thousand words in the last hour.

Monday, May 3, 2010

42026 / 80000 words. 53% done!